Source code for d6tjoin.utils

from collections import OrderedDict

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
import numpy as np

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# helpers
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def _set_values_series(dfs):
    return set(dfs[~pd.isnull(dfs)])

def _set_values(dfg, key):
    return _set_values_series(dfg[key])

def _filter_group_min(dfg, col, topn=1):

    Returns all rows equal to min in col

    if topn==1:
        return dfg[dfg[col] == dfg[col].min()]
        return dfg[dfg[col].isin(np.sort(dfg[col].unique())[:topn])]

from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
def _applyFunMulticore(values1, values2, func):
    retLst = Parallel(n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count())(delayed(func)(p[0],p[1]) for p in zip(values1,values2))
    return retLst

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# tfidf
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import re
import collections
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
import itertools
import warnings

[docs]def tokenCount(dfs, fun, mincount=2, minlength=1): """ Tokenize a series of strings and count occurance of string tokens Args: dfs (pd.series): pd.series of values fun (function): tokenize function mincount (int): discard tokens with count less than mincount minlength (int): discard tokens with string length less than minlength Returns: dataframe: count of tokens """ assert len(dfs.shape)==1 dfs=dfs.dropna().unique() if dfs.shape[0]>1000: words = Parallel(n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count())(delayed(fun)(s) for s in dfs) else: words = [fun(s) for s in dfs] words = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(words)) df_count = [t for t in collections.Counter(words).most_common() if t[1]>=mincount and len(t[0])>=minlength] df_count = pd.DataFrame(df_count, columns=['word','count']) return df_count
[docs]def splitcharTokenCount(dfs, splitchars="[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", mincount=2, minlength=1): #"[ -_|]+" """ Tokenize a series of strings by splitting strings on a set of characters. Then count occurance of tokens in series. Args: dfs (pd.series): pd.series of values splitchars (str): regex by which to split string into tokens. For example `"[^a-zA-Z0-9]+"` for anything not alpha-numeric or `"[ -_|]+"` for common ID tokens. mincount (int): discard tokens with count less than mincount minlength (int): discard tokens with string length less than minlength Returns: dataframe: count of tokens """ def funsplit(s): return re.split(splitchars,s) return tokenCount(dfs, funsplit, mincount, minlength)
[docs]def ncharTokenCount(dfs, nchars=None, overlapping=False, mincount=2, minlength=1): """ Tokenize a series of strings by splitting strings into tokens of `nchars` length. Then count occurance of tokens in series. Args: dfs (pd.series): pd.series of values nchars (int): number of characters in each token overlapping (bool): make overlapping tokens mincount (int): discard tokens with count less than mincount minlength (int): discard tokens with string length less than minlength Returns: dataframe: count of tokens """ if not nchars: smax = dfs.str.len().max() smin = dfs.str.len().min() if smax-smin>2: warnings.warn('Tokenize works best if strings have similar length') nchars = dfs.str.len().max()//4 if overlapping: def funtokenize(s): return [s[i:i+nchars] for i in range(0, len(s)-nchars+1)] else: def funtokenize(s): return [s[i:i+nchars] for i in range(0, len(s), nchars)] return tokenCount(dfs, funtokenize, mincount, minlength)
[docs]def unique_contains(dfs, strlist): """ Find values which contain a set of substrings Args: dfs (pd.series): pd.series of values strlist (list): substrings to find Returns: list: unique values which contain substring """ assert len(dfs.shape)==1 dfs=np.unique(dfs) outlist = [(x, [s for s in dfs if x in s]) for x in strlist] return outlist
import collections
[docs]def typeSeries(dfs): """ Find type of a pandas series Args: dfs (pd.series): pd.series of values Returns: str: type """ c = collections.Counter([type(x) for x in dfs.values]) cnt = c.most_common() if len(cnt)>1: return 'mixed' else: return cnt[0][0]
[docs]def typeDataFrame(df): """ Find type of a pandas dataframe columns Args: df (pd.dataframe): pandas dataframe Returns: dict: column, type """ return dict(zip(df.columns,[typeSeries(df[s]) for s in df]))